Arun Considers is a micro comedy series that follows Indian-American screenwriter and incorrigible daydreamer Arun Narayanan as he ponders life’s great mysteries in his humorous, free-associating inner-monologue.
Arun Considers Heroin, VR Porn, and Shaving.
Heroin: what if it's so good that it's actually worth dying for?
Why have real sex at all anymore?
A brown guy with a beard could be dangerous.
Arun Considers White Girls, Evolution, and Fame
So, you wanna date a white girl, do ya?
Women are more evolved than men.
I don't want to be famous.
Arun Considers The Matrix, Listening, and "American Indians".
Tech companies know me better than most people do.
Do I look bored? I hope I don't look bored.
I mean, I'm American and I'm Indian
Arun Considers His Name, Diversity, and Nothing.
How do you pronounce your name?
Arun prepares for a job interview, Denise learns about a new show, and Jim has some decisions to make. Each one has a unique perspective on the complicated subject of "diversity."
Arun Considers is a micro comedy series that follows Indian-American screenwriter and incorrigible daydreamer Arun Narayanan as he ponders life’s great mysteries in his humorous, free-associating inner-monologue.
From:United States
Produced in:United States
Volume 1
Arun Considers Heroin, VR Porn, and Shaving.
Volume 2
Arun Considers White Girls, Evolution, and Fame
Volume 3
Arun Considers The Matrix, Listening, and "American Indians".
Volume 4
Arun Considers His Name, Diversity, and Nothing.
Arun Considers Heroin
Heroin: what if it's so good that it's actually worth dying for?
Arun Considers VR Porn
Why have real sex at all anymore?
Arun Considers Shaving
A brown guy with a beard could be dangerous.
Arun Considers White Girls
So, you wanna date a white girl, do ya?
Arun Considers Evolution
Women are more evolved than men.
Episode 3
I don't want to be famous.
Arun Considers The Matrix
Tech companies know me better than most people do.
Arun Considers Listening
Do I look bored? I hope I don't look bored.
Episode 3
I mean, I'm American and I'm Indian
Arun Considers His Name
How do you pronounce your name?
Arun Considers Diversity
Arun prepares for a job interview, Denise learns about a new show, and Jim has some decisions to make. Each one has a unique perspective on the complicated subject of "diversity."
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