Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. They don't want to save the world - they just want to make it through the day.
A struggling actress who can't be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato that knows the future just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their abilities - and their friendship - comes under threat.
Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. A struggling actress who can’t be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato who knows the future aren’t bothered with saving the world, they just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their friendship - and their abilities - comes under threat.
Ben gets a new customer; Ellie bombs an audition; dinner goes according to plan.
Ben & Zeke discuss last night; Melanie stops by the coffee shop; Ellie visits her agent.
Zeke gets a job; Ben's mystery lady returns; Ellie gets a part in a film.
Ben brings his number one customer home; Ellie reveals family tensions to Zeke.
Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. A struggling actress who can’t be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato who knows the future aren’t bothered with saving the world, they just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their friendship - and their abilities - comes under threat.
The morning after with Chloe; Ben tries to make amends.
Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. A struggling actress who can’t be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato who knows the future aren’t bothered with saving the world, they just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their friendship - and their abilities - comes under threat.
Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. They don't want to save the world - they just want to make it through the day.
A struggling actress who can't be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato that knows the future just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their abilities - and their friendship - comes under threat.
From:United States
Produced in:United States
Perspectives:Women, LatinX, Asian-American
Season 1
Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. A struggling actress who can’t be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato who knows the future aren’t bothered with saving the world, they just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their friendship - and their abilities - comes under threat.
Ben gets a new customer; Ellie bombs an audition; dinner goes according to plan.
"I Saw You on Buzzfeed!"
Ben & Zeke discuss last night; Melanie stops by the coffee shop; Ellie visits her agent.
"Your 10:30's here!"
Zeke gets a job; Ben's mystery lady returns; Ellie gets a part in a film.
"Coffee Shop Girl?"
Ben brings his number one customer home; Ellie reveals family tensions to Zeke.
Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. A struggling actress who can’t be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato who knows the future aren’t bothered with saving the world, they just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their friendship - and their abilities - comes under threat.
"You'll Need to Try Harder than Pad Thai"
The morning after with Chloe; Ben tries to make amends.
"Good Day All Round!"
Three ordinary roommates with extraordinary abilities. A struggling actress who can’t be lied to, a British barista who can read minds and a couch potato who knows the future aren’t bothered with saving the world, they just want to make it through the day. But when a mysterious young woman enters their lives, their friendship - and their abilities - comes under threat.
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