Happy Epidemic is a comedy series set in real-time against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis. The show is set in Jake Jones’ home where, after his mother flees to the countryside, he lives alone.
Happy Epidemic is a comedy web series set in real-time against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis, created entirely in the 2020 lockdown. The show is set in 21 year old Jake Jones’ family home where – after his mother flees to the countryside – he lives alone. Like the rest of the real world, Jake is struggling to get a grip of what the ‘new normal’ that everyone keeps talking about really means. Each episode of Happy Epidemic poses a new lockdown-life obstacle or, we dare say, adventure! And thanks to Jake’s best friend ‘Frank’ and ‘Laszlo’ – let’s just call him an acquaintance for now – he meets new, curious people from all over the globe eager to help him get a grip on this new era.
Happy Epidemic is a comedy web series set in real-time against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis. The show is set in 21 year old Jake Jones’ family home where – after his mother flees to the countryside – he lives alone. Like the rest of the real world, Jake is struggling to get a grip of what the ‘new normal’ that everyone keeps talking about really means. Anxious? Frightened? Down right bored? Jake is too, but Happy Epidemic aims to provide a cure by looking at the lighter side of lockdown. Laughter is an instant vacation at a time when nobody is allowed to take one. Each episode of Happy Epidemic poses a new lockdown-life obstacle or, we dare say, adventure! And thanks to Jake’s best friend ‘Frank’ and ‘Laszlo’ – let’s just call him an acquaintance for now – he meets new, curious people from all over the globe eager to help him get a grip on this new era.
As the pandemic starts to take it’s toll, Jake is abandoned to survive it alone.
Lockdown, now what? Jake makes a new and unlikely friend.
Binge watched every TV show! Jake explores new ways to keep himself entertained.
Pandemic therapists are the key to having a successful isolation… or are they?
Captain Tom inspires Jake but it doesn’t turn out quite like he expected.
Phase two of lockdown and Jake needs a plan and a job.

Happy Epidemic

Contains Closed Captions English
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Happy Epidemic


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Trailer for Happy Epidemic
1 Season · 2021
Happy Epidemic is a comedy series set in real-time against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis. The show is set in Jake Jones’ home where, after his mother flees to the countryside, he lives alone.
Created by: Jonathan Jude
Starring: Jonathan Jude
Happy Epidemic is a comedy web series set in real-time against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis, created entirely in the 2020 lockdown. The show is set in 21 year old Jake Jones’ family home where – after his mother flees to the countryside – he lives alone. Like the rest of the real world, Jake is struggling to get a grip of what the ‘new normal’ that everyone keeps talking about really means. Each episode of Happy Epidemic poses a new lockdown-life obstacle or, we dare say, adventure! And thanks to Jake’s best friend ‘Frank’ and ‘Laszlo’ – let’s just call him an acquaintance for now – he meets new, curious people from all over the globe eager to help him get a grip on this new era.
From: United Kingdom
Produced in: United Kingdom
Season: 1

Season 1

Happy Epidemic is a comedy web series set in real-time against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis. The show is set in 21 year old Jake Jones’ family home where – after his mother flees to the countryside – he lives alone. Like the rest of the real world, Jake is struggling to get a grip of what the ‘new normal’ that everyone keeps talking about really means. Anxious? Frightened? Down right bored? Jake is too, but Happy Epidemic aims to provide a cure by looking at the lighter side of lockdown. Laughter is an instant vacation at a time when nobody is allowed to take one. Each episode of Happy Epidemic poses a new lockdown-life obstacle or, we dare say, adventure! And thanks to Jake’s best friend ‘Frank’ and ‘Laszlo’ – let’s just call him an acquaintance for now – he meets new, curious people from all over the globe eager to help him get a grip on this new era.

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