I Do, the series, based in Brooklyn, is the story of Zoe’s screwball attempts to cast someone in the role of her husband in order to obtain a visa to live and work in the US.
I Do, the series, based in Brooklyn, is the story of Zoe’s screwball attempts to cast someone in the role of her husband in order to obtain a visa to live and work in the US.
Zoe runs into an old flame while in NYC and hatches a plan to stay.
Zoe runs into an old flame while in NYC. He wants her to stay, but does the plan make sense?
I Do, the series, based in Brooklyn, is the story of Zoe’s screwball attempts to cast someone in the role of her husband in order to obtain a visa to live and work in the US.
Produced in:France
Season 1
Zoe runs into an old flame while in NYC and hatches a plan to stay.
Zoe runs into an old flame while in NYC. He wants her to stay, but does the plan make sense?
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