"Pardon My Parody" brings a series of original comedic parodies starring tv and Broadway actors and directors. They specialize in all genres of comedy, so sit back, relax, share, and enjoy!
"Pardon My Parody" brings a series of original comedic parodies starring tv and Broadway actors and directors. They specialize in all genres of comedy, so sit back, relax, share, and enjoy!
"Pardon My Parody" brings a series of original comedic parodies starring tv and Broadway actors and directors. They specialize in all genres of comedy, so sit back, relax, share, and enjoy!
"The Bachelor"! Let's spoof it!
A group of office employees attempt to celebrate Mary's 46th Birthday.
A modern day twist on a new birth control method.
A young inspired man thinks he created works of genius, until he sobers up and reality sinks in.
I don't think you understand how to play this game.
Tasting Notes, a comedic short centered around Beth & Daniel, who gather their wedding party together to enjoy a sophisticated evening of wine tastings for their upcoming nuptials. Things escalate when one guest, Cathy Jo, (Beth’s cousin from a Florida) decides to take the party in a whole new direction.
Watch as the women compete for the love of the alternative bachelor.

Pardon My Parody

Contains Closed Captions English
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Pardon My Parody
1 Season · 2017-2018
"Pardon My Parody" brings a series of original comedic parodies starring tv and Broadway actors and directors. They specialize in all genres of comedy, so sit back, relax, share, and enjoy!
Perspectives: LGBTQ+, Women, Black
Season: 1

Season 1

"Pardon My Parody" brings a series of original comedic parodies starring tv and Broadway actors and directors. They specialize in all genres of comedy, so sit back, relax, share, and enjoy!

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