
With the guidance of his therapist, the support of his friends, and the confusion of his wacky social worker, Shaw decides to become a life coach, though he is missing a few important tools.
Season 1

The Prologue
In the pilot episode, THE PROLOGUE, we are introduced to our hot mess of a protagonist, Shaw James and the reason he ends up in therapy.

Meet Ms. Esther
But will Shaw open up about what caused his downward spiral?

The Challenge

Kupumua [Part 1]
In this two part episode we are introduced to a motley crew of angry people who need the support of Ralph and Claire Fields, a new counselor filling in for Ms. Esther.

Kupumua [Part 2]
Kupumua [Part 2] continues in Shaw's group therapy session!

Molly Day!
Check out the season 1 finale of Shaw!