A newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.
In this Sci Fi Hip Hop web series that's part silent film, part music video, a newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.
A newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.
Brobot learns to live.
Brobot learns to eat.
Brobot learns to walk.
Brobot learns to dance.
Brobot learns to smile.
Brobot learns to fight.
Brobot learns to climb.
Brobot goes on a date.
Brobot attempts to clean the entire city of New York.
A newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.
In this Sci Fi Hip Hop web series that's part silent film, part music video, a newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.
Season 1
A newly born robot that's half droid, half brotha, with the help of his eccentric maker, learns the mundane ways of the world in New York City one miraculous experience at a time.
Brobot Live
Brobot learns to live.
Brobot Eat
Brobot learns to eat.
Brobot Walk
Brobot learns to walk.
Brobot Dance
Brobot learns to dance.
Brobot Smile
Brobot learns to smile.
Brobot Fight
Brobot learns to fight.
Brobot Climb
Brobot learns to climb.
Brobot Date
Brobot goes on a date.
Brobot Clean
Brobot attempts to clean the entire city of New York.
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