Four couples. One therapist. Lots of confusion.
Working on It follows intimate relationships before and after therapy. People, diverse of race and sexual orientation are just that; people. With this series we explore the dynamics of four relationships from the inside and the problems they face, as they try to be normal, in a time of hate, judgement, political correctness and a steamy load of their own shit.
Season 1 of Working on It
Melanie (Stacey Maltin) who wants to go camping with her girlfriend, Clarissa (Marzy Hart). Clarissa considers herself to be an out lesbian but as soon as anyone she doesn’t already know is involved, she tries to sit things out. Melanie didn’t come out of the closet to go back in. Guest appearances from Michelle (Alice Kremelberg) and Eddie (Chinaza Uche).
The third part of a polyamorous couple, Guy (Michael Canfield), is put on edge when his two partners, Ashley (Jasmine Pierce) and Jenny (Jessica Coghill), want to bring in a fourth. The flexibility of their polyamorous philosophy is put to the test. Guest appearances from Melanie (Stacey Maltin) and Clarissa (Marzy Hart).
The love between Jeremy (Chad Carstarphan) and Levi (Ron Tsur) is palpable and that’s what makes uncovering each other’s secrets so difficult. Will this be the straw that breaks the camel’s back or will these fiances glue back the pieces? Guest appearances from Jenny (Jessica Coghill), Ashley (Jasmine Pierce), Guy (Michael Canfield) and Michael (Michael Cicetti).
Michelle (Alice Kremelberg) is sick of tip toeing around her problems with Eddie (Chinza Uche) and he’s got his own bone to pick with her. What can bring back the spark for both of them? Guest appearances from Jeremy (Chad Carstarphan) and Levi (Ron Tsur).

Working on It

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Working on It
1 Season · 2016
Four couples. One therapist. Lots of confusion.
Working on It follows intimate relationships before and after therapy. People, diverse of race and sexual orientation are just that; people. With this series we explore the dynamics of four relationships from the inside and the problems they face, as they try to be normal, in a time of hate, judgement, political correctness and a steamy load of their own shit.
Perspectives: Women, LGBTQ+
Season: 1

Season 1

Season 1 of Working on It

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