Firsts is a comedy that follows the budding relationship of Chuck and Sally as they navigate their first and somewhat inappropriate experiences together.
Chuck and Sally meet and experience all the usual firsts, plus some unusual ones.
Sally prepares for what could be the first last date of the rest of her life.
How Sally operates on first dates.
Everyone kisses a little different.
Sally visits Chuck's long standing game night.
Chuck and Sally's first?
Chuck meets Sally's ex-boyfriend.
Phone Sex.
Is therapy in advance of problems a good idea?
Did Chuck give Sally an STD?
Who says I love you first?
Things are getting serious.
Sally meets Chuck's best friend.
Sally gets sick, how does Chuck handle that?
The couple goes on their first trip.
Three's a crowd?
Couples like to date with other couple, right?
Where does Sally come from?
Are they heading in the same direction?
Together? Apart? Whose house do you go to?
Is the grass always greener?
When the words come out really fast and you can't take them back.
Firsts is a comedy that follows the budding relationship of Chuck and Sally as they navigate their first and somewhat inappropriate experiences together.
Season 1
Chuck and Sally meet and experience all the usual firsts, plus some unusual ones.
Season 2
Things are getting serious.
First Night of the Rest of Your Life
Sally prepares for what could be the first last date of the rest of her life.
First Date
How Sally operates on first dates.
First Kiss
Everyone kisses a little different.
First Game Night
Sally visits Chuck's long standing game night.
First Fuck
Chuck and Sally's first?
First Running into the Ex
Chuck meets Sally's ex-boyfriend.
First Phone Sex
Phone Sex.
First Therapy
Is therapy in advance of problems a good idea?
First STD Scare
Did Chuck give Sally an STD?
First I Love You
Who says I love you first?
First Meet the Best Friend
Sally meets Chuck's best friend.
First Sick Day
Sally gets sick, how does Chuck handle that?
First Trip
The couple goes on their first trip.
First Threesome
Three's a crowd?
First Double-Date
Couples like to date with other couple, right?
First Meet the Parents
Where does Sally come from?
First Proposal
Are they heading in the same direction?
First Holiday
Together? Apart? Whose house do you go to?
First Temptation
Is the grass always greener?
First Fight
When the words come out really fast and you can't take them back.
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