An asocial woman and her dog are in the quest for water surviving in a world where living seems impossible. A harsh land, a mad land, a wolf land.
Set in a post-apocalyptic world, shot with the support of the Basque Government, this series revives some of the basque mythological characters reinterpreted into a mad-max-like universe, where living seems impossible for Hodei and her dog because in this mad-land a threat always awaits...
An asocial woman and her dog are in the quest for water surviving in a world where living seems impossible. A harsh land, a mad land, a wolf land.
Arian, Arian, Zehetzen du Burnia
Lurrak Hasi Ta Lurrak Jan
Bihar Ere Eguzkia Aterako Duk
Arrotz-Herri, Otso-Herri
Gora Gu Ta Gutarrak
Otsoak Ere Ez Du Bere Haragirik Jaten
Do the Zezengorriak exist or are they a myth? The Red Horses are coming...
Is it time for Hodei and her most faithful companion to part ways?
An asocial woman and her dog are in the quest for water surviving in a world where living seems impossible. A harsh land, a mad land, a wolf land.
Set in a post-apocalyptic world, shot with the support of the Basque Government, this series revives some of the basque mythological characters reinterpreted into a mad-max-like universe, where living seems impossible for Hodei and her dog because in this mad-land a threat always awaits...
Produced in:Spain
Season 1
An asocial woman and her dog are in the quest for water surviving in a world where living seems impossible. A harsh land, a mad land, a wolf land.
Arian, Arian, Zehetzen du Burnia
Arian, Arian, Zehetzen du Burnia
Lurrak Hasi Ta Lurrak Jan
Lurrak Hasi Ta Lurrak Jan
Bihar Ere Eguzkia Aterako Duk
Bihar Ere Eguzkia Aterako Duk
Arrotz-Herri, Otso-Herri
Arrotz-Herri, Otso-Herri
Gora Gu Ta Gutarrak
Gora Gu Ta Gutarrak
Otsoak Ere Ez Du Bere Haragirik Jaten
Otsoak Ere Ez Du Bere Haragirik Jaten
Izena duena da
Do the Zezengorriak exist or are they a myth? The Red Horses are coming...
Ez Da Ogirik Nene Gaberik
Is it time for Hodei and her most faithful companion to part ways?
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